MadMan at Mt Rushmore

MadMan at Mt Rushmore

Monday, May 28, 2012

Prince Fielder is HUGE!

I just watched Prince Fielder at bat against the Boston Red Sox this afternoon. I always heard he was big, just did not realize how big. He looks like someone who might have just eaten David Ortiz. He makes Big Papi look like somebody's 'little' brother.

But, Holy Crap could he move running the bases! Hate to have that large mass moving towards me in a hurry. The momentum would scare the crap out of me!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Inter-League Play is here, again!

Like it or not, Inter-League Play is back for MLB this year.

Some people thrive on this time of year, while others absolutely HATE it! Myself, i kind of enjoy it, a bit, until my favorite AL Teams run out of Gas in the later innings and can not rely upon their BIG DH's to bail them out of the power-failure that comes with pitcher's hitting. Although it is kinda funny to see Big Papi [David Ortiz] with a baseball glove on his hand. {Looks kinda like a pot-holder!}

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Umpires HATE when you head towards first!

Have you ever noticed that when an Umpire is 'slow to call the pitch' and the hitter thinks its the 4th Ball and begins to head towards firstbase, the Umpire "instinctively" calls it a strike? I believe this is built-in to the umpire's make-up and can not be helped. I'm not defending it, but it does happen too often to be coincidence.

Take into account the 'altercation' between Umpire Bill Miller and Blue Jays 3rd Baseman, Brett Lawrie the other night. Twice, in a row, the hitter thought it was Ball-four, and the Umpire Responded by Calling it a Strike. The first of those two pitches was CLEARLY outside the strike-zone. It could make you mad [as a hitter] but it should also teach you some patience. Hitters should realize that Umpires are people who are used to others listening to what they say and following their 'orders'. When someone thinks they know the truth that the Umpire has not given them, yet, the umpire reacts by 'proving the person wrong'. It's not really honest, but it happens all the time.

So, patience is prescribed for all. [Oh, and DON'T THROW YOUR HELMUT - for ANY Reason!]

Friday, May 4, 2012

Big MO may be NO MO!

Mariano Riviera Tore his ACL while messing around in the outfield during Batting Practice. He had planned to retire after this season, and this appears to be the end of this season. If this proves to be the end of his career, what a sad way to go out. Now, it's hard to blame him, for doing something unnecessary, since it is just as likely this [most likely] would have happened during normal exercises and game play, considering his age and conditioning.

As a Red Sox fan [for life!] you might expect me to be grateful for his early departure, but, no, I am not. I never really considered him the "Ultimate Closer" [especially with his track record against the Red Sox!] and looked forward to the Sox BIG Hitters coming up against him in the last inning of a close game!