MadMan at Mt Rushmore

MadMan at Mt Rushmore

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Instant Replay WILL be added to MLB!

Anyone who saw [or heard about] the 19 inning debacle between the Pittsburgh Pirates and the Atlanta Braves, which ended with an obviously BAD call at the plate {Julio Lugo was out by a few feet!}, knows there will HAVE to be some additional usage or framework for some form of Instant Replay in Major League Baseball. I know that Baseball 'purists' say that the Human Element is part of the game, but when millions of viewers watching a game live, and [potentially] Billions of viewers can watch things immediately afterwards [in slow motion - frame by frame] online on the Internet have a better view and knowledge than the Umpires in a Game, we are going to have uprisings. There simply MUST be a way that Instant Replay can be added to MLB games without causing things to slow down to a crawl. I mean, look at the NHL. They have Instant Replay available [from the home Office!] for every [potential] goal to make sure that IF the puck even brushes across the line for a split second, that goal is recorded.

Stay Tuned!

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