MadMan at Mt Rushmore

MadMan at Mt Rushmore

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Giants - Can they repeat their Feat?

Last Year, the SF Giant won the World Series for the first time in a really long time. They were in the World Series in 1962, 1989, and again in 2002, but lost each time to American League teams of varying strength, skill, luck, and endurance. The 2010 World Series title was the 1st for the team to claim since their storied franchise relocated to the West Coast from New York in the mid 1950's.

The Giants' story from 2010 was a varied one. I watched them, myself, in April 2010 in one of their first games of the season at home. I was at a Conference in SF [my first visit there] and I usually try to take in a MLB game in any city where that is possible when I visit. This time it was possible. We watched the Giants beat a lack-luster Pittsburgh team 9-3. At that time, I really did not feel that I was watching the 2010 World Series Champs early in their championship season. They seemed fairly average. They had their share of hits, but made their share of errors too [both on the basepaths and in the field.]

What is the general consensus? Can they repeat [in the National League]? Your comments are welcome.


  1. I don't think so. Their making it to the WS and then winning it was a fluke. Good for them, but probably not repeatable!

  2. Just a fluke! This year the Sox will take it!
